Both times we have broken up it was under false pretenses. The Venus/Jupiter link encourages you to look again at an old situation. I think the act of distancing himself is more painful than you realize and it probably takes extreme will to stay away. The Band was on Break in the Back, i was not looking for him, was sitting at the Bar talking with the Bartender etc, having a good Time. I need Dr. Do you think he's just insecure about me leaving him first? But after a while i realized he loves me , cares about me , listens to me , & my words had lots of effect on him ! This protective behavior comes naturally to them. It shows his deep love . But that is okay with me because it gives me time to be alone and a chance to actually miss him. well he did the withdraw thing to me.. but he told me after I sent him a message.. that everything is fine. Just in more obvious and aggravating ways! He's amazing, caring, funny.. Just wonderful but when he is upset, he goes off the grid. I would argue the opposite. I haven't called to see what's happening etc I'm just going to go do my own thing and let him be. it was monday and he said cannot because he has work. Again, as a Capricorn I am secretive and I didnt want it to be something all of our acquaintances knew about. Never expect him to change for you, even if he loves you a lot. nways, before our first meeting, i asked him to confirm our meeting but he didn't replied. Well..I never thought i would anyway. I'm going through the same crap. But now I haven't heard from him for a week and a half and have no idea why. He feels burned or embarrassed and has withdrawn to nurse his wounds. I have a way with words as being a Gemini and I am willing to sacrifice some of my freedom to be with this Scorpio. The following are key pillars of any strong relationship, but these may need some extra attention when dating a Scorpio. He's Angry If a Scorpio man acts like he doesn't care, he could be angry. Girls, start dating around casually, see what else is out there besides him. needless to say it is a long distance relationship on top of that we don't see each other as much as we would like to. From the way you talk to your hand gestures, he will notice everything and take a deep interest in you. I have a Scorpio issue for sure. They have to prove to me and show me that they are who they say they are. will ask you 100 personal questions but won't tell you much about themselves, can rev from 0 to 100 in a matter of seconds but may let off the gas just as fast (they will likely be the one to determine the speed of a new relationship), when they finally find "The One", they love them with every fiber of their being, can hold a grudge for years but is also capable of deep healing work, tender forgiveness, and bringing dark wounds to the light, will take the time to understand their partner to their core and nurture them accordingly, wants it their way and has a hard time compromising, ignites the spark of a twin flame relationship you'll never forget, although they might instigate many fights within the relationship, they will also fight for the relationship when it needs saving. He would say things like " you know i can't make you happy. Sometime i feel not to have a same sign mate. Lastly, no one can love a person who doesnt truly love themselves , and if you truly love yourself you will know how and on whom to spend your precious hours, reserve your emotions to your girlfriends , get to know a boy for who he really is before pouring your feelings out to him and feeling vulnerable. Your plan will not work if he pays no attention . 4 Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces): Very In Touch With Their Emotions, It Will Be Obvious When He's Not Interested. If a Scorpio man suddenly disappears with no explanation, he could just not be interested in you. He finally said "LEAVE ME ALONE, I DID THIS EASY AND CLEAN" Stop calling stop texting. I called, text, even went over. Hi im a scorpio female and i have this habit of disspearing for a few days when im going through all the above phases. how is the best way to respond to text or call after they have been distancing themselves and a little cold. Well for about a year he has changed. Be honest cause hes very intuituve and can read you really well. Long story short - i asked him whether he was seeing someone and he replied yes, but he only went out for one date only. What do I do with this friendship???!:((. This allows time for your Scorpio man to miss you. But I emailed him many times apologizing to him and saying that I loved him and asking him to forgive me but I did not get even one word back. Him and I were only in a friend's with benefits thing for over a year. If they keep asking, I either lash out because I want them to go away without explaining that I am upset or I pretend that I just don't feel well. She may even be seeing someone else on the side. But things are slowy getting boring for me. What it takes to keep a Scorpio man interested largely depends on where he's at in development as an individual. They infer by the expressions of your face what one would call mind readings. he disappeared but after some time he texted me saying 'I'm sorting my thoughts out because this feels brutal and chaotic' which sounded so childish to me. If he tells you he likes or lives you and then disappears, find someone else! The Scorpio Man likes having space. If he is distant keep it moving and show him that you wont lose any sleep. The best advice I can give here is to communicate. We were walking one day and he asked about my stress etc..I made the mistake of telling him how I got my feelings hurt about christmas, but was fine after he explained himself , I also explained that because of the stress I had caused him before I didnt want to share all the work stress I had had so I have been talking to a couple of other friends (guy friends) he shut down. Scorpio men and intensity go hand-in-hand. Please someone tell me what to do about my Scorpio guy best friend ! I must say sometimes we women tolerate too much nonsense. Common personality traits and how they manifest in romance, Top reasons why he's off the grid and ignoring your texts, Explanations for his off-and-on behavior and sudden blow-ups, Important tips for cultivating a healthy relationship. demanding, all this good Things a Guy should have . I just want to know, How do I treat him in this situation? My scorpio man sais he adores me etc I know he likes me very much a dis genuine but then he desapears for a few days then he comes back. He will make you feel like you are the only one for him, but this is only a ploy to make you do what he wants. Hi , i am a sagittarian girl . He will make an effort to spend time with you. I always give him space even when I don't need vis versa. Scorpio men are not easy. I really wish he would just stop leading me on, wowso helpful to hear all the amazing similaritiesi don't know if 1-5?? All the time I have given them a real long rope and they have sadly tied it around their neck of their own accord. It really does sux when you get stung for something so stupid and especially when you've done nothing wrong apart from be's extremely hurtful. I am at a vulnerable stage in my life right now. I haven't acted clingy at all, and I don't plan on doing so at any point. The touchy-feely Scorpio man will make attempts to hold you and hug you if he wants to get close to you. You can just imagine how much time that saves. Then when they already knew it's sign of love, they trick their mind assuming the object isn't feel the same, again, to avoid disappointment. Content is for informational or entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for personal counsel or professional advice in business, financial, legal, or technical matters. And when he's not, he's not. I met my Scorpio man in an online dating site on three weeks later and we fell in love within a few weeks into 2014. Conversations with him will feel like the world doesn't exist for him at all. Right now he hasn't responded three days so kind of concerned. Like the fall of a paper airplane or (more appropriately, since, ya know- Scorpio) an artillery shell. Do I give him space and let him sort it out? Even i cant meet any boy (friend) without his permission. Even ignoring a mutual friend. Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) Sagittarians are the Zodiac's wanderers. He wanted to see me then changed his mind.wth. I feel he did this because he was hurt because I shared my problems with others instead of going to him, I know he cares for me? He keeps an eye on you in a caring and protective way Have you noticed your Scorpio man secretly glancing over at you or his glances drifting across the office looking for you? His withdrawal is to let you know he is upset and perhaps to punish you by ignoring your texts (manipulative, but it does happen). But I have a son who was looking up to him. If i do , i fear he may not trust me anymore. when he shuts down on me and not text me after all I do for him it hurts my feelings and I do talk to him about it but he does not let me know what is going on the reason why he does this. Then he blocked me! The Bug came to install a Walk in Shower. He had helped me with some work stuff two weeks ago, but then told me how it stressed him out. Make sure he sees that. Hopefully you've been having a fine old time lately. Cancer can seem defensive or indifferent, puzzling potential suitors. To be honest, I struggle with my inner feelings and thoughts regularly and, struggle to come to terms with them let alone trying to explain them. Our Connection felt pretty strong like two Magnets something strange was happening. He claims it was his fault, mainly due to withdrawing from depression, fear and self loathing. I really liked this hub. The one I dealt with and still am uses coworkers to try to make me jealous but because I've seen him watching me and eavesdropping on me, I believe he's just looking for something on me. We stayed in Contact for the next 3 Years. They are direct and purposeful, independent and overall pretty happy. Scorpio sun signs are born from October 23November 21, right between Libra and Sagittarius. In the beginning, when we first start dating I had told him about a few things that bothered me and he told me 'this feels so breakable'. Would appreciate your advice. "I care for you, but I cant give this relationship what it needs" You will be fine. Mind you, it will not be a vacation by the sea. What should I do ? At first my feelings got hurt and I was quiet. Boyfriend lives in Arizona so communication is a big problem but we do get together on occasion and it is spectacular. He was really obsessive and then he'd cut me off for days. 6) Why do you care? He lives a couple hours away from me and we talk enough but there are days when he doesn't. All it comes down to is whether hes a nice guy and whether both of you treat each other right, if not then end the relationship and move on (irrespective of whether or not hes a Scorpio and whatever your sunsign is ) . But whenever were together, I feel he loves me somehow. I have been dating a Scorpio man for 2 years and a half. I was hurt because before we started dating he said he was in love with me and wanted to settle down have a family etc. When you are with a friend, get ready to be bombarded with a lot of questions. Their understanding of others is deep and incisive. Learn why the Scorpio in your life is withdrawn and seems distant. He assumed that I was online at 4 am in the morning because my messenger said I was active. Have a life. A Scorpio man in love will want to share his thoughts and feelings with you, and he will be more willing to talk about the relationship. When a Scorpio man takes you in completely as in loving you you ultimately become their possession until you betray them. He has broken up with me last week . I want to add he is younger than me in 6 years, he is 29. While Scorpio men are well known for being guarded and secretive, don't confuse those traits with dishonesty. Both of which he said no to. I lost my mind. He ignored my calls and texts for days and finally when he did hey back to me he said he can't commit to anything.. Scorpio intuits the sensitivity behind the facade and becomes intrigued. Take The Quiz: Is He Losing Interest? Someone who is with me can never see it coming. But about the roller coaster deals we will always love u and sometimes we don't mean to hurt your feelings. I felt like it was out of nowhere. he's working, he is charming but he talk only about sex. And if you told a certain girl that you like her very much or that she's special, does it mean your'e developing feelings for her already? The obvious man to lead it was Le Grange, the only South African who had ever set foot on the South Pole. Yes, a scorpio man is a one task at a time individual, so say that they have alot of things to accomplish in such a short period of time or they feel overwhelmed they tend to withdrawal a bit and it really takes a women whom is strong and can handle finding things to do on your own. One day we are talking future the next day he drops me cold. So one of the things I said was 'it's not normal to not be able to communicate like a normal person at his age' and 'i felt disrespected and if i feel that way that probably means he is not for me, so he needs to carefully think if he really wants to be with me'. Scorpios are driven to action by their ruling planets, Mars and Pluto. Is this a characteristic or is he playing games with me :(. We met at a party, hooked up and then hung out like twice. So when he's busy "in the zone"; he may not be thinking of you at that time. My brother is a scorp, a close friend is, I have it as my rising sign, so I catch ,myself holding many of these qualities as well. Scorpio Signs yes he has the most of them. We had a great connection, long amazing talks, which he would usually initiate, so we both agreed to take things slowly. However, remember that astrology should be used as a tool to better understand your partner and your unique dynamic, not to define the relationship and its outcome. Please help! This is extremely accurate for my male best friend who is a Scorpio! Both of us want to have control in relationship and we end up with fight. Have a Beautiful Daughter to the last of the 3 Loves. At this point, it's not about you understanding what he is angry or hurt about. It's a shady, passive aggressive way of breaking up with. After reading all the thread and many many others more I realized he is just like whatever you guys had described. But, he will suddenly disappear for a few days. These tips are meant to mitigate possible challenges in a Scorpio partnership, but if you ever feel threatened, manipulated, or mistreatedthey are not worth your wellbeing. He is very obsessive and jealous type of guy. Though last week I text him about a minor accident he was very concerned . When your Scorpio man displays his disappearing acts, it may be due to many factors - there's a possibility you upset him, but he can get stressed because of other external things. So I have. Cancer in love is shy, responsive, and empathic. In other words, he is creating space in preparation to leave. I too, fall for themwell, it's really more like tripping down the stairs :). I have never cared or missed or loved anyone the way I do him. This might be caused by problems early on in their lives that have made them insecure about being committed to someone who might not reciprocate. Mine always seems to have no time for me . When we met in person, sparks flew. I can guarantee you one thing: a Scorpio waits. Hes naturally secretive and very vindictive, dont stand for it and don't miss out waiting on him. Tell him so. I am not giving up on Him, not giving up on us. I really dont know who the ideal sign for a Scorpio is, Well Said.a typical scorpio behavior. He could disappeared for about 3-4 days without even telling anything. He left his job for something else and he hasn't been the same since . But it was important for me to tell him that I regret what I said. Sorry to say that but then and only then do you get treated the best. I dont like some things I think or say, be they fact or not. Get ready to be asked about your whereabouts and what you're doing at the moment. He has dropped off the face of the earth but yet when I do see him for a few minutes , he is great! I never seen this side of him. "Not only him, most of the Indians don't take tip for doing such thing, in fact we don't feel it's so big help, we grow up with . So I recently met a scorpio and we instantly had a spiritual, physical and emotional connection. The clip begins with the man dressed in all-black attire and dancing to the song with his expressions on point. 2. Then he asked me to meet up with him at his friends house, who he knew I used to have a relationship with years ago. I'm inlove with him and told him how I feel so he knows. Everysince i felt hurt and texted him about how i felt and its been 4 days now he has not replied. If anyone is going through this; stop, drop and roll. Give each other space. I also think it's easy to fall for them - at least in my case!!! I refuse to take tesponsibikitu for HIS emotionaly irresponsibility. The dog loves you, understands that you don't know any better, and tolerates your curious tugging. He snoring very loud, don't tell him this omg, he sticks his Head up his Tube to not be and he refuses to stay over Night cause of this. We flirt constantly , talk about crazy things and have fun. Of course the purpose of being happy as well as having fun is to let him notice. They tell it all on a website or brood about it. I guess there are some things that remain true through the years. The Scorpio man is perfect in every way. My bf is soo hot and heavy everyday and then goes off the grid for no more than 48 hrs every so often, and it is usually cuz he is genuinely busy. Should I carry on asking him to talk to me or move on . Most of time we have different opinion. We sporadically texted over the next week or so, but I gave up because I noticed I was the only one initiating conversation, and after he ignored a snapchat I sent him, that was the last straw. From my experience (both as a Scorpio and as someone who has dated several Scorpio men), I'm going to explain their peculiar behavior as best as I can. A Scorpio man is done with you when his behaviors begin to change. I hope this isn't the case for anyone, because it says volumes about his lack of compassion for you if he isn't willing to give you closure. I don't know if he still likes me. If a person born with this sun sign is taking the time to look after you or getting involved with your problems, then you are part of their inner circle. Now he says he loves me but it's not the same as it was. Remember there arent only 12 kinds of people in this world !! He is very supportive and lovable and caring too. Part of me was over the moon with joy, but another part of me wanted to yell at him! I am NOT going to contact him. For your number 5 reason he withdraws and decides to leave, I don't think its for lack of compassion. I asked my scorpio guy if what he's feeling towards me and he said he doesn't know. So that brought back memories.. And so afraid that if I don't get a text every day, then he has stopped caring for me. He just needs more time , to make a palace for future . He's angry. This month holds celestial . Ive been crazy about a Scorpio since the day we first met. but he did not even read my message for 2 weeks. but still i'm trying to go with flow with him. They have to so that they don't feel guilty about retaliating. Due to Scorpio personality traits, he is introspective and independent. BUT i get irritated by his over caring and controlling nature. This is the only way to defend himself or apologize. I just had the longest three days of my life. He told me to not be like that. I really wish u all well ladies and hope I helped a tad. Basically we only knew each other online and have made plans to be in a couple months. As a Scorpio woman, I believe theres at least one more reason which is missing in that list: Scorpio Man wants to feel absolutely in control and indispensable. Don't be pushy give him his space it's very important and if there is anything bothering just talk about it gently we listen probably because we understand ourselves better.some scorpios are terrified about relationships mainly because Scorpio always are in control of their emotions. We have both been under work stress. For the second time now he is giving me the silent treatment. In other words, if you can't tell which of the first four reasons is the reason he has withdrawn, then you really don't know each other well enough for him to play mind games and expect you to sort it out. If not more. It was a little confusing but I don't take what people say to heart. Take a look into his full natal chart to gain a more accurate understanding. Scorpio Detests Lying If you lie to your Scorpio lover, he will know it. 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